Robert Covington
3 min readAug 29, 2019

Donald Trump: America’s Self-Hating President by Robert Covington Jr.

Try to imagine what it is REALLY like to be Donald Trump and to live in the real world as that person. For Donald, the real world is a stark reminder of his immense shortcomings, deep insecurities and how unlovable he has always been. The real world reminds Trump that his mother likely avoided her son because she realized early on that his behavior as a baby was already a concern. Mommy Trump probably outsourced her parenting to nannies and babysitters because being around him was borderline intolerable at a very early age.

In the real world, Trump knew very early in school that if he was academically evaluated, he would have been in the ‘retarded’ class, as they were pejoratively called back in the old days. In the real world, Donald knows that he was a special needs child and clearly has intellectual and cognitive disabilities. Trump knows that he is the dumbest person in every room he walks in. Trump knows that he can’t have a conversation about the world, arts and sciences because books and people of depth and curiosity would immediately know that he doesn’t read or knows anything about anything.

In the real world, Trump never had any friends because of his aggression and character. Trump was so problematic and rejected by others, that his parents sent him away to military school. Trump learned early on that he’s not likable to anyone, including his parents.

In the real world, Trump knows that the monetary advantages and privileges he’s had his whole life, has given him more opportunities to reveal how incompetent he is. Trump knows that he’s a horrible businessman. Trump knows that he’s so bad at it — that he lives with the dreadful distinction of losing more money over a ten-year period than any businessman in America.

The real world has always been a very dark place for Trump emotionally, psychologically, intellectually and spiritually. It is a place that he sees himself through the lens of personal humiliation, repudiation and never measuring up. A place that constantly laughs at him, makes fun of him and uses him because he’s such a flawed and severely damaged man.

The real world is a place that separates him from who he wants to be and who he really is. It is where his self-hatred manifested itself. The demons of inner disdain and contempt of his own existence. Trump hates everything about himself and has convinced his shattered ego that he can con all of us into thinking that it is not true.

Trump is a portrait of self-hatred and it’s a feeling that follows him everywhere he goes. Regardless of being in a bathroom, bedroom or ballroom — he can’t escape it.

To the chagrin of America and the world, Trump’s self-hatred and malignant narcissistic psychopathic characteristics has given us a man that has learned how to create a false sense of self and reality. An alternate world of fantasy, grandiosity and paranoia. A world of endless projection and pathology. It is a world built for men that are hapless, without conscience and clearly not normal human beings. It is a world built for men that are unable to connect with human beings in ways that are good, decent and moral.

As Americans and world citizens of faith, conscience and hope, we don’t have the time or the luxury to feel sorry for self-hating Trump. He will always see himself as deficient and unworthy. And because of it, Trump will continue to punish the real world any way he can. America must come to grips with this reality. Trump is an existential threat to democracy and the planet.

We can’t change the man, but we can change the course of history.

Follow me on twitter: @robcovingtonjr

Robert Covington
Robert Covington

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