Robert Covington
4 min readJul 27, 2020

Donald Trump Wants Us To Accept Children and Teachers Dying by Robert Covington Jr.

There are three books that Americans and historians need to have if they want to understand the life, cruelty and dangerousness that Donald Trump presented to America and the world during his time in office. Those books are 1) Mary Trump’s book titled: Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man. 2) Mental health experts seminal book called: The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess A President 3) Dr. Justin Frank’s psychoanalytic masterpiece: Donald Trump on the couch: Inside the Mind of the President.

In their own detailed way, each book demonstrates how Donald Trump has the character and childhood experience that contributed greatly to becoming a man that lacks fundamental humanity, empathy and a conscience, which makes him incapable of doing anything that doesn’t produce harm, abuse or destruction.

As a mental and public health professional for the past twenty-four years, I am very aware of the potential, life altering impact of a trauma filled childhood experience. In my career, I’ve directly worked with, provided therapy or advocated for young people that ranged in the difficulties that life threw at them. Whether it’s helping a young person manage depression due to obesity or making sure that a young person and their family get the support they need after finding out that a son or a daughter was sexually abused by a father or an uncle. I have seen the spectrum of resilience — to risk taking, externalizing behaviors resulting from the trauma.

It is clear Trump experienced the trauma of neglect, emotional abandonment and spiritually absent parents that were never available to him in the areas that matter most to a child — and that is to feel nurtured, protected and wanted. Trump’s childhood appears to be one of isolation, victimization and increased reckless behavior. Instinctively and cognitively, Trump is acutely aware that his parents never loved him. He’s lived with that glaring reality his whole life. This reality has helped develop a hardened, detached individual that lacks empathy, compassion and the inability to develop healthy relationships with other human beings. Trump is empty, broken and psychologically impaired to the point of becoming a human vessel of pain, extreme selfishness and self-hatred.

What made matters worse is that Trump never received help or separated from the sources of his darkness and compromised humanity. Trump’s constant exposure to the ruthless, racist and authoritarian father through adulthood and the family business, reinforced exploitative, manipulative and likely criminal behavior that created the conditions for Trump to get worse as a human being. And when you add Trump’s personality, character and intellectual limitations, it is a recipe for a malignant narcissistic psychopath.

Now as Americans, we’ve given a damaged and sadistic man the public space and power to seek vengeance on our children because of his toxic response to the childhood trauma that he experienced. We remember Trump’s vigorous advocacy for the execution of the falsely accused and now exonerated young people known as the Central Park Five in New York many years ago. We’ve seen Trump’s cruelty and inhumane treatment of migrant children at the border that remains ongoing. Trump has supported politicians like Roy Moore that was accused of sexual assault of children. Trump has pushed for cuts in early education and anti-hunger programs for children. And recently, Trump has given well wishes to Ghislaine Maxwell, a woman that is currently incarcerated without bail for her alleged participation in the sexual trafficking of children.

Trump’s final act in demonstrating his heartless view of children is laid bare in his policy and push towards reopening schools amid the coronavirus pandemic. Trump is literally trying to use American children as ransom as it is reported that he wants to condition funding for schools with forced reopening across the country.

Trump’s willingness to play coronavirus death roulette by sending our children to unsafe and unprepared schools is impeachable and warrants his incarceration. But Trump’s callousness does not end there. As sickness and death continues to ravage families and communities because of Trump’s negligence and intentional cruelty, Trump has spoken out against initial CDC guidelines for reopening of schools and worked behind the scenes to weaken them so our children face greater exposure and danger to the coronavirus. If what is happening in Israel a prelude to what’s to come in America, reopening schools will be a complete disaster.

As a nation, we bare the sins of electing a purveyor of evil in Donald Trump. He is our creation, our monster and the society and environment that elevated him to President of the United States.

After all of the destruction and cruelty, he remains in power with an opportunity to create more carnage and catastrophe. Trump is already internally destroyed and beyond help under these circumstances. His unresolved trauma and narcissism should not be given a license to kill and inflict great harm any longer. We cannot allow a man that is working so hard to kill our children and teachers to remain in power. Schools are scheduled to open in a few weeks. To save our children, we must save Trump from reliving his life’s horror through his death assuring actions of malice.

Remove Trump from power before it’’s too late.

Follow me on twitter: @robcovingtonjr

Robert Covington
Robert Covington

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