Donald Trump’s Psychological Abuse of Nancy Pelosi by Robert Covington Jr.
It is not a secret that Donald Trump is a despicable human being. His malignant levels of self-hatred and narcissism have been well documented and helps us understand why we witness such awfulness every day from this man. And as we know, part of Trump’s toxic profile is his various degradations and abuse of women.
By now it has become a broken record by stating Trump is an admitted sexual abuser of women and has multiple sexual abuse allegations levied against him. However, this widely publicized fact should always remind us of the victimization, trauma and pain Trump has caused the women involved in these acts of human violation.
Donald Trump is one of the reasons why the Violence Against Women Act has not been reinstated and leaves millions of women unprotected and without additional recourse from domestic abuse. Trump has abused the personal boundaries of young girls at teen beauty pageants and engaged in verbal abuse of highly intelligent and accomplished women such as Maxine Waters and Joy Reid. Alarmingly, Trump’s violent rhetoric of abuse targeting women of color in Congress has resulted in an increase of death threats and the need for increased security.
Donald Trump’s abuse of women are not rendered only to those from a distance. The women in Trump’s close orbit have experienced the wrath of his narcissism in their own way. Trump has cheated on all of his wives, alleged to have raped one of them (before it was rescinded under questionable circumstances) and likely will be indicted and go to prison after he leaves office for lying and covering up one of his affairs with an adult film star. Trump’s gift to his daughter Ivanka is to carry on the tradition of entitlement, narcissism and is married to her own narcissistic, slumlord failed businessman Jared Kushner, who is likely compromising the United States as we speak due to the need to pay off huge debts.
And of course, we can’t forget about Melania Trump. Only she and God know the extent of the abuse she endures daily. But it is quite clear that her insincere and inconsequential Be Best anti-bullying initiative is more about mollifying Trump’s torment and projecting her own reality.
Donald Trump’s public and private display of emotional, psychological, physical and verbal abuse of women will continue for as long as he has access to women in some way. Consequences will vary, but malicious intent will always be the same. And unfortunately for America, Trump’s unrelenting narcissism has had a negative impact, psychologically, on the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.
Since she’s taken over the gavel, we’ve watched Pelosi take the mandate from the Blue Wave of 2018 and attempt to turn it into a puddle going into 2020. Over the last ten months, we’ve watched Pelosi demonstrate behavior that show Trump’s constant abuse of democracy has weakened her resolve and sense of purpose. Pelosi does not come across as strong and resolute anymore. Pelosi now comes across as weak and feeble. Pelosi has become increasingly incoherent, irrational and consumed by fear of white backlash. And she routinely engages in double speak and deflection.
Pelosi is operating as if the Democratic base’s passion, agency and courage is an obstacle to governance and her objectives. She gives the impression that she cares more about the abuser’s family members (Republican voters and the enabling, sycophant Senate) than her own family (Democratic base, the country).
Trump has successfully inflicted psychological abuse onto Pelosi because she has blinded herself to what everyone else (outsiders seeing the abuse) can see, and that is impeachment would be a political winner - and more importantly, the badly needed corrective to salvage hope in our democracy. Pelosi is protecting the abuser because her stance against impeachment benefits the abuser. Despite the bluster, Trump does not want to be impeached because mental health professionals such as Bandy Lee and Elizabeth Mika have helped us understand that accountability, exposure, responsibility, reality and facts are a narcissistic psychopath’s worst nightmare.
Impeachment would scar him forever and his idealized view of himself would take a major hit for all the world to see. This level of infamy, rejection and criticism would be unbearable for Trump and his response would reinforce the need for impeachment in the first place.
Trump’s successful psychological abuse of Nancy Pelosi has her questioning her own self-confidence. Pelosi is known as a master when it comes to whipping her caucus for votes when she really wants it. If she really believed in herself and the need to do everything in her power to remove or severely damage the cancerous Trump, she would do so. However, Pelosi continues to make excuses for Trump’s behavior with inaction and it’s only emboldened his lawlessness and corruption.
For many of us, it has been painful to watch this groundbreaking politician reduce herself to withering ambivalence in this time of great crisis. Nancy Pelosi worked too hard and has done too much good to have her career end like this. We need to let Pelosi know that there is a way out of this predicament. End the abuse. Take a step back, reflect and come out fighting for the country. Impeach now.
Follow me on twitter: @robcovingtonjr