Robert Covington
4 min readApr 27, 2020

Dr. Deborah Birx Compromises Public Health To Enable Donald Trump by Robert Covington Jr.

The horrifying chapter on Donald Trump’s presidency as it relates to the coronavirus pandemic is not yet complete. What we know so far is that Trump’s narcissism, negligence and psychological dangerousness has cost Americans tens of thousands of lives. He did so by ignoring advanced warnings that the coronavirus is coming to America, abandoned our global readiness capacity and minimized the threat over and over as the virus was rapidly spreading throughout the country.

Trump continues to create the conditions to maximize the loss of American lives with his ongoing refusal to fully exercise the power of the federal government to nationalize an aggressive, coordinated response to the virus. The emotional, psychological, and physical death toll that this nation has allowed itself to endure with inaction of Trump’s removal during this crisis will go down as one of the biggest failings in American history.

This dark chapter will have a lot of questions associated with it. One of those questions is going to be why in the hell were top mental health experts largely ignored by major newspapers and TV media, even though this catastrophic crisis of epic proportion is directly attributed to the acuity of Trump’s mental incapacity and dangerous character to be president in the first place? This collective decision of willful avoidance by the media to silence mental health experts will stain this nation’s response in the history books forever.

This dark chapter will also be scrutinized as to how public health experts responded to this deadly pandemic. Donald Trump’s White House Task Force, which is led by top infectious expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx and Center for Disease Control (CDC) director Dr. Robert Redfield, will have their advice, decisions, and actions thoroughly examined for generations to come. Unfortunately for Dr. Birx, history will not be kind to her as she has become a Trump enabler, sycophant, and an untrustworthy public health figure. Over the past month, Dr. Birx has embarrassed herself and damaged her credibility with medically worded contortions, lies and disingenuous statements all to provide cover for Donald Trump while sacrificing public health in the process.

There is the interview Dr. Birx gave to the Christian Broadcasting Network where she actually said this about Trump with a straight face: “He is so attentive to the scientific literature and the details and the data, and I think his ability to analyze and integrate data that comes out of his long history in business has really been a real benefit during these discussions about medical issues.” Trump is a lifelong con artist, known to the world as a man that had to file multiple bankruptcies due to business failures and will likely go down as the dumbest president the United States has ever produced.

Dr. Birx has given interviews deceivingly suggesting America was not fully aware of the global pandemic’s reach to the United States until March 2020. Greg Sargent from the Washington Post provides a timeline that clearly refutes this lie. We have Dr. Birx laughable comment where she implies that social distancing, with some creativity, could be achieved in proximity based businesses such as hair salons and barber shops with their customers. Then there was Dr. Birx’s dreadful response to Jacksonville, Florida’s coronavirus spreading decision to reopen their beaches: “If the county health directors believe that’s appropriate for their county, then I’m not going to second judge an individual’s approach to this.”

And of course, there is the latest and most reprehensible response yet from Dr. Birx when she tried to divert attention and blame the media for focusing on Donald Trump’s reckless and dangerous query to ingest disinfectant into people’s bodies as a means to killing the coronavirus.

The harsh reality is this, Dr. Birx is all in on Trump. As I have written in a previous column: “Trump will ask Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci to rescue him with lies, misinformation and manipulating numbers and misery in ways that deflect responsibility from his actions. They will have to compromise their integrity, honor and oath in order to remain in good standing with the authoritarian leader.”

Dr. Birx has become the Kellyanne Conway of public health. Dr. Birx will continue to commit public health and medical malpractice in defending Trump because it seems that her biggest attachment to Trump is emotional and psychological. Dr. Birx is fastly approaching cult level status with Donald Trump. And if this is the case, public health will continue to be compromised to become a member.

Follow me on twitter: @robcovingtonjr

Robert Covington
Robert Covington

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