Impeachment Makes Trump More Dangerous by Robert Covington Jr.
After three long years of lawlessness, constitutional violations and blatant corruption, the Democratically controlled House of Representatives finally decided to hold Trump accountable and impeached the president under two articles of impeachment resolutions for abuse of power and obstructing Congress on December 18th, 2019.
As a concerned and well informed citizen, it’s been excruciatingly difficult to watch the never ending cruelty, harm and heartlessness of Trump be met with media and Democratic passivity and denial about the real threat Trump poses for America and the world. But like a person in an abusive relationship that’s finally had enough, Democrats exercised its constitutional duty to let Americans, the world and history know that Trump is unfit to serve this nation as President of the United States.
However, the next chapter in this dark moment in history will only get worse if the Republican led Senate decides, as expected, to acquit Trump of charges and allow him to remain in office.
As many mental health professionals and experts have tried to warn us time and time again, Trump’s unfitness for the office of president pales in comparison to how unwell he is to remain in office. Trump’s behavior as president has been defined by his character disorder aptly known as malignant narcissism. The idealized self, the self-hatred, enjoyment in causing pain and suffering, humiliating others, seeking retribution and vengeance, creating enemies, exploiting weak and troubled human beings for his personal pleasure, delusional grandiosity, lack of empathy, conscience and persistent paranoia have played out in the public domain under Trump’s presidency. He is a dangerous man elected as a politician, and as such, the man will be who he is through his politics.
Through the narcissistic lens of Trump, impeachment is the ultimate referendum on the idealized self because it exposes the real Trump, which is a fraud, a con man and a person comprised of moral and ethical nothingness. His flaws revealed for all the world to see. And because of it, the stain of impeachment and personal psychological injury that it represents, makes Trump moving forward, even more dangerous.
Mental Health expert Elizabeth Mika in her seminal piece: ‘Hell Hath No Fury Like A Narcissist scorned’ explains as she writes about shame intolerance: “The narcissist tends to be very sensitive to shame, which he perceives as humiliation: a blow to his ego (sense of self) and/or a threat to what he sees as his important status compared to others. This sensitivity is the reason why he tends to lash out at those who shame or appear to shame him in any way. His reactions to shame are grossly disproportionate to the “offense;” he will hold grudges and seek revenge sometimes till death, his own or his “offender’s,” whichever comes first. Hell hath no fury like a narcissist scorned.”
Elizabeth continues: “Shame is so difficult for a narcissist to tolerate because it arises from an exposure of some flaw of his to others. He has many serious shortcomings; but in his own eyes he is perfect and surpasses everyone else, as he will let you know time and again, directly and not. He must retain this grandiose delusion of superiority and perfection at all costs because this is all he has.”
It’s incumbent for politicians and Americans to grasp the gravity of what we are facing as a nation. Trump’s impeachment is not the end, but the beginning of a new fight ahead. Trump’s narcissism to save himself will come at a continued cost to democracy, the constitution and vulnerable human beings unless he is stopped with removal from office and held accountable by our criminal justice system. Otherwise, more destruction will come in the name of Trump’s political survival.
Follow me on twitter: @robcovingtonjr