Mike Pence’s Narcissism And Ambition Almost Cost Him His Life by Robert Covington Jr.
Former Vice President Mike Pence appears to have thought that he was smarter than God. Mike Pence appears to have believed that God is something that can be abused, dismissed or conveniently exploited for personal gain. So as a man with this kind of narcissism, calculation and ambition who sees himself above God and not in need of God’s love, it should come as no surprise that he thought he could outwit and outsmart the evil of Donald Trump.
However, a true and loving God is all merciful, and he provided Mike Pence an off-ramp time and time again to show that a man that has lost his way could find his way home. Mike Pence had an opportunity to early on in his political association with Trump to discover God and his powerful principles of goodness and ethical and moral center that could have pushed him to withdraw his name as Vice President once he found out that Donald Trump made the pussy tape and had multiple sexual abuse allegations against him. Nope, Mike Pence wanted proximity to power and was thinking about his own political advancement and probably rationalized; ‘his God would understand.’
Mike Pence had an opportunity to leave Trump’s administration once he found out that Trump and his evil counterpart Stephen Miller was happily promoting policies of cruelty and human rights violations with the separation of migrant mothers from their children at the border. Pence did not leave the administration. Instead, he supported the policy and reprehensibly tried to give cover to the administration by traveling to a facility and saying that those traumatized children were “providing care that every American would be proud of.” Mike Pence’s narcissism and psychopathy wanted to convince us to ignore the inhumane policy and that his God wanted it this way.
Mike Pence was there with Trump through all the lies, racist policies and attempts to strip millions of Americans from healthcare. Mike Pence was there and in lock step with the impeachable offense of Trump trying to extort a foreign government to aid in his reelection. Mike Pence was there for all of Trump’s criminal negligence with the coronavirus that has gotten tens of millions of Americans sick and cost over four hundred thousand Americans their lives.
Mike Pence was there not to be an agent of God as he would want people to believe. A true and loving God is centered in compassion, empathy, morality of consciousness, humility, hope and transformation. Mike Pence wasn’t centered in any of that. Mike Pence was centered in himself, his thirst for power by any means necessary, and if that included giving subservient and enabling loyalty to a monstrous and unrepentant fascist and authoritarian in Donald Trump, it was worth it. However, Pence forgot that God is in control of all things and if you try to bastardize and exploit his name, God finds a way to reveal the core of that person.
Mike Pence’s narcissism, psychopathy and disregard for God blinded him to the realization that when you contract with evil, you can potentially lose much more than your dignity, self-respect, and honor. It can also be life threatening.
Pence was pushed to the brink of circumstance to where his loyalty to Trump had reached a point of separation when he did his duty of certifying the 2020 presidential election. On January 6th 2021, traitorous and seditionist Trump was upset with Pence and incited the insurrectionist mob to engage in violence against elected officials, and that included his Vice President Mike Pence. Thankfully, Mike Pence and his family was whisked into safety as chants of “Hang Mike Pence” were heard by the angry mob. More disturbing footage has come to light during the 2nd impeachment hearing of Donald Trump.
Mike Pence has not been seen or heard from in any significant way since the inauguration of President Joe Biden. And as the 2nd impeachment hearing continues this week, the trauma of that day, January 6th, 2021, is being re-lived by the American people and the elected officials that experienced it firsthand. At some point, Mike Pence will resurface as he charts the next steps in his life.
However, if past and pathology is prologue, Mike Pence will have learned little from this near-death experience. After all he and his family went through, it is likely that Pence will still speak in good terms of the Trump administration and his role in it. Pence’s narcissism won’t allow him to repent. To repent means to to relinquish one’s self to a merciful God, admit vulnerabilities and meaningfully account for sins. And as we’ve seen, Pence is not wired for that.
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