Robert Covington
4 min readJun 17, 2019

  • Nancy Pelosi Doesn’t Trust White Americans on Impeachment by Robert Covington Jr.
  • I must admit that I am sickened and saddened by the embarrassing levels of cowardice and fear that is coming from Speaker Nancy Pelosi as she continues to make it abundantly clear that she doesn’t want to begin impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump.
  • Nancy Pelosi is not moved by the multitude of cogently written, historically based columns and data that gives her perspective, context and justification for an impeachment inquiry. Pelosi does not seem to care or realize how ridiculous, weak and incoherent she sounds every time she speaks about Trump’s lawlessness and corruption — and then follows it up with ninety- nine different reasons not to begin impeachment hearings. And it’s also clear that Pelosi’s own sense of reality on impeachment does not include how damaging her decision is to her legacy, American democracy and the utility of the constitution when faced with clear abuse of presidential power.
  • As if that isn’t enough, it’s mindboggling that Pelosi, a woman of dignity, historical political acumen and character is unable to see that Trump and the Republican Party would view impeachment hearings as a political nightmare. As we know, Trump fears accountability and the truth more than life itself. Months and months of hearings that exposes his high crimes and misdemeanors in a controlled, methodical way would be personal torture for a man that dreads having his true self revealed. Trump knows he’s a despicable human being and a severely damaged man that has committed wrongdoing. Despite the bluster, Republicans are hoping and praying that Pelosi continues to reward their years of spineless and gutless governance with her current stance on impeachment.
  • On its surface, Pelosi’s horrible political calculation appears to be driven by fear. But if you look deeper, her decision is based on an uncomfortable truth: Pelosi does not trust white Americans on impeachment. Pelosi seems to believe that white Americans would react negatively to Democrats for starting impeachment proceedings. When you think about it, it’s a stinging indictment of her poor perception of white Americans. At its core, Pelosi seems to believe that white Americans would somehow be upset with Democrats for exposing them and the world to the countless acts of corruption, cruelty and alleged criminality that may put Trump in prison once he leaves office. Let that sink in for a moment.
  • Wittingly or unwittingly, Pelosi is suggesting impeachment proceedings against Trump would be personalized for many white Americans and would force them to confront whiteness, white identity and racism that fueled Trump’s rise to power. Also, Pelosi seems unwilling to fight back against the inevitable claims of white victimization and harassment that Trump and his allies would claim in an effort to take attention away from the reams of evidence and facts that will shame the nation. Pelosi fears that it would have significant resonance with white voters she wants to vote Democratic in the upcoming 2020 election. By calling these molasses moving hearings, non-impeachment hearings, Pelosi is trying to manage the fragility of white Americans feelings from the State Capitol. Republicans have exploited racism for political gain and Pelosi is trying to manage racism for political gain.
  • Pelosi has calculated that white Americans will place whiteness above saving democracy from one of the worst human beings ever to set foot in the white house. Pelosi’s low expectations of white Americans will allow Trump and the Republican Party to continue appealing to the worst instincts of their humanity and may lead to the re-election of Donald Trump.
  • White Americans need fellow white Americans to speak to them with clarity, purpose and conviction as to how Trump is damaging the country in the short and long term. White Americans need fellow white Americans to help them understand how the grossness of Trump’s humanity informs the daily horror show called the Trump presidency. White Americans need fellow white Americans to speak to the higher values of their humanity, not appease their conditioned racism.

Pelosi has the forum of impeachment hearings and power to do so. Pelosi has truth, democracy and evidence on her side. But she’s scared to do the right thing. Trump will exploit her cowardice between now and election day. Questions surrounding impeachment will persist because Trump will continue to violate the constitution between now and election day. Many Democrats will be on the defensive between now and election day because of her decision.

Trump’s corruption are in plain view. Trump’s authoritarian ambitions are in plain view. Trump’s unfitness for office are in plain view. And unfortunately, so is Pelosi’s lack of leadership in a defining moment in our nation’s history.

Follow me on twitter: @robcovingtonjr

Robert Covington
Robert Covington

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