One Year Anniversary Of The Coronavirus And Mass Murder by Robert Covington Jr.
I am lucky to be alive is the first thought that I have as the one-year anniversary of America having to seriously address the coronavirus deadly pandemic coming to our country. However, in the early part of this pandemic, the thousands of Americans that were living their life with no defense or awareness that the coronavirus was already infiltrating the nation, had no chance of survival due to criminal negligence by Donald Trump.
The Department of Justice needs to charge former president Donald Trump with murder for the mass homicide that happened under the worst president this country has ever seen. Donald Trump knew in February 2020 that the coronavirus was deadly, and he purposely withheld that knowledge from the American people and laid the foundation for a year of government sponsored death, lies and malice that destroyed lives in innumerable ways.
Donald Trump should be held responsible for the death and destruction that resulted in makeshift morgues and funerals for families that never had a chance to properly say goodbye to loved ones. Donald Trump forced people to die in isolation, people needing ventilators to breathe for weeks as the stress of mentally living with the fear, and often reality of pending death hovering over Americans was a form of torture that should never be forgotten.
Along with the 500,000 Americans that died under Trump’s watch this past year, millions of Americans lost their jobs, there was an increase in opioid related overdose use and death, hunger, depression, lost homes, haunting feelings of uncertainty, individual and collective stress has greatly increased due to the primary actions of one man.
As a nation, we have yet to fully grasp the magnitude of depression, anxiety, and trauma that millions of our children have gone through being socially isolated from their peers and away from a typical school environment this past year. Suicide rates for young people increased in 2020 and my stomach turns just thinking about the degree of domestic violence that women (and some men) have had to endure under these increased stressful circumstances.
The man that caused this widespread pain and suffering is sitting at home without consequence for what he has done to this nation with his response to the coronavirus. What will history say about us if we allow these actions to go unpunished and unaccountable for as he engaged in these reckless and dangerous acts of crimes against humanity? What will history say about us when they examine how a man of enormous cowardice, weakness, irresponsibility and incompetence was never on trial and questioned under the rule of law?
Are we going to engage in “organized forgetting” regarding this deranged man that stood in front of the nation and asked people to drink bleach as a cure to the coronavirus? Are we supposed to just move on from this catastrophe because we now have an empathic, competent president in Joe Biden? Are we supposed to just forget every individual and collective story that each of us as Americans can share about this past year and how the evil behind Trump’s mismanagement impacted our lives and then accept that he may have the ability to run for president again?
The one year coronavirus anniversary of this deadly pandemic marks one of the ugliest chapters in American history. The public health response from former president Trump must end with a criminal justice response from the new president and the Department of Justice. The renewed hope and desire to return to some sense of normalcy will have the shadow of Trump lingering over our spirit, our lives, and our faith if this despicable human being can enjoy the fruits of living at the expense of the dead.
Follow me on twitter: @robcovingtonjr