President Trump Era of Evil, Corruption and Fascism begins by Robert Covington Jr.
Well America, start your engines! For the millions of Americans that live in the Fox news bubble of propaganda, demonizing liberals and progressives, racism, white nationalism, lies, misinformation and disinformation, the resurgence of Trump must feel euphoric to your desire for cruelty, vengeance, and chaos. For the millions of Americans that live in isolation, the ones that live sad, lonely, unfulfilled lives without a compass of direction or purpose — the ones that take their failures and seek retribution through scapegoating minorities and immigrants, the return of Trump provides a temporary refuge from inner turmoil that eats at their soul. And for those Americans who has watched the concentration of wealth, billionaires refusal to pay their fair share to the best of the American experiment, impact their dreams, ravaged their communities and job prospects, yet still voted for a con-man who represents everything that is wrong and ugly in our country, the final con-man swindle on your lives is inevitable.
At this point, it’s abundantly clear that America is a sick nation that needs a little more suffering before there’s any possibility to find remedies for its illness. It wasn’t enough the first time Trump was in office that we as a nation experienced nonstop corruption, criminality, traitorous behavior, intellectual stupidity, policies of cruelty, negligence during COVID that unnecessarily cost hundreds of thousands of American lives, witnessing the first president in American history to attempt to overturn democracy on live television, the pathological lying and the attacks on the constitution and the rule of law. Through all of that dangerousness, America has decided that it wants another dose of Trump’s poison.
I take no joy or satisfaction in writing about the inevitable pain and suffering that Americans and non-Americans are going to experience on various levels under Trump’s second presidency. Throughout history, men of evil have inflicted enormous damage, death and destruction in the circumstances that their society and the world has allowed. Trump is no different. Trump’s first go around as president severely weakened American democracy, caused death and family separation. Instead of being ostracized and put in jail for his crimes, America normalized his behavior, minimized its human impact--and our institutions, from corporate media, the DOJ, the Supreme Court, and Democrats — to the now authoritarian, fascist Republican Party have rehabilitated Trump for self-interest rather than human or American interest, failed us. Americans with fear and willful ignorance, failed us.
Now a man that is the epitome of a weak, fragile, insecure, incompetent wanna be dictator and fascist, will remind us on a daily basis of his ignorance, malignant narcissism, intentional malice and recklessness on anything that he touches or comes across his desk. We have proof of his unabated corruption, from stealing top secret documents, already profiting off his presidency with crypto, selling gold sneakers and special edition bibles to his gullible, cult following Americans. In his first hours as president, he’s pardoned insurrectionists, rescinded Biden’s executive order to lower drug prices for seniors on Medicaid and Medicare, removed America from the Paris climate agreement, ended legal asylum for immigrants, ended legal immigration parole programs, plans a nationwide raid of human beings that may or may not be legal, wants to abolish the 14th amendment that secures birthright citizenship, and has cozied up with billionaires and oligarchs that are trying to protect their interests while simultaneously ready to exploit Trump’s insecurities and incompetence.
Yet, there’s so much more cruelty and destruction to come. Our food will be less regulated and protected, our environment will be less regulated and protected, our democratic institutions, from the FBI, DOJ, CIA, Supreme Court, and national security will be run by people with the sole intent to destroy or weaken it. Our nation’s secrets will be up for sale, our military will be asked to attack American citizens, our economy will suffer, and Trump, who is a 78 year old man with a mind and emotional development of a 7 year old, will need his narcissism fed like a baby needing a bottle. This will lead to the highest bidders of nations and men to manipulate this disgusting human being. And there’s so much more pain and suffering to come in ways not fully known yet. But it’s coming.
One of the darkest chapters in American history is not written yet, but when it’s complete, we, along with future historians will look at it with horror and sadness. God help us.