Robert Covington
4 min readFeb 16, 2025

President Trump’s Goal Is To Make Being A White Racist Cool Again by Robert Covington

Ever since the costly and bloody white supremacist experience called the American Civil War, not much has been asked of white Americans, as a whole, to fundamentally change the landscape and impact in the sickness and lies of white supremacy. As a nation, communities of white Americans have either heard about, witnessed or participated in some of the most horrifying and egregious acts of human violence inflicted onto people of color. Whether it’s the community gatherings of burning black bodies on trees, burning down towns and cities, sicking dogs and hoses on black people during the civil rights era — to police brutality so often without consequence. And regardless of these events, along with many others, white Americans conveniently go on with their lives in mostly white neighborhoods, for the most part, across the country.

No matter how you slice it, many white Americans know implicitly, subconsciously or wittingly, that black and brown Americans have had a difficult time in America and that sustained progress is never certain. But amid this dark past, there have been numerous white Americans throughout history that’s fought and died for equality, justice, and fairness for nonwhite Americans operating from a historical disadvantage, since the system of enslavement, inhumanity and brutality defined the economic advancement given to this country because of it. As part of this fight, there have been tangible successes, from the development of a black middle class, black millionaires exist and thrive in this country, and there has been greater integration of black and brown Americans into most systemic and structural creations and operations in American society.

However, the psychological wage of whiteness, colorism, and anti-blackness persists enough in America to have voted in, twice, Donald Trump, a disgusting and dangerous human being who is a white supremacist and white nationalist, President of the United States. Large swaths of white America saw the humanity, intellectual brilliance, and genuine care for ALL Americans in policy and rhetoric from former President Barack Obama, a black man, and had a psychological jolt of uneasiness that Trump sensed as he entered the highest rung of American politics with intentional attacks on Obama’s blackness and Americanity with his birtherism calculation. Trump knew the powerful effects this would have because he, as a rich white man, understood America’s past enough to pursue this route to power. And it worked.

As Trump converted his ultimate con into cult followers that accepts his 40,000 and counting documented lies about anything and everything, turning a blind eye to his lifelong and presidential corruption, chaos, cruelty, destruction, and criminality, along with becoming numb or misinformed about his concerted efforts to destroy the rule of law, constitutional checks on his power and democracy itself, Trump is working in overdrive to try and make being a white racist cool again. Trump knows the days of openly and brazenly calling a black person hateful or dehumanizing words to their face won’t ever be widely accepted again, but Trump is surgically dismantling or threatening anything that fosters inclusion, multi-culturism, racial and gender identities as a strength, civil and human rights, and DEI initiatives as one of his biggest targets to destroy before he leaves office.

Trump wants a white America that is brash, heartless, and without empathy to others that don’t look like them. Trump wants to appeal to the worst of white America’s history and their current souls. Trump wants to embolden white supremacy and racism. Trump wants non-white Americans abilities to be questioned, minimized or dismissed. Trump wants to attach blackness and colorism to ALL things bad. Trump wants to create an atmosphere of fear and a psychological default to believing that white people are better than everyone else. Trump knows this distraction and lie will not be effective with millions of white Americans, but he has the bully pulpit to create a climate and a narrative that will resonate with millions of Americans.

This is the legacy that Trump really wants to leave and manifest until he doesn’t have the ability to influence anyone in such large numbers. At his core, Trump knows he’s never been loved by anyone that matters to him personally, that he is a weak, unintelligent, and incompetent man that was given the foundational components to get ahead in life(from his father leaving him millions, to acceptance into an Ivy League school because of connections, not grades or intelligence and remain an embarrassing stain on that University forever). Trump also knows that he is a sick, narcissistic psychopath and racist. And as long as he lives, the lies of white supremacy provides him the biggest joy in an otherwise, psychologically miserable life.

Donald Trump is forcing white Americans to confront whiteness again and to see if the white community will embrace or reject these racist acts by a racist president and an evil man. If history is our guide, buckle up black people, we have a bumpy and precarious ride ahead.

Robert Covington
Robert Covington

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