Trump Voters Prepare For Their Role In American History
As a person who takes great pride in being a caring, loving human being, I know our political choices, on some level, serve as a proxy for how we see ourselves as human beings and our connection to the rest of our nation and the rest of the world. I own my vote for Kamala and what she stood for. And let’s be very, very clear: here’s an outline as to what and why a person voted for Trump and to own its consequences:
1) Trump has been clear to the world that he is a racist and white supremacist his whole life. He campaigned on racism in 2016, and he campaigned again on racism in 2024. His voters KNOW this. I won’t insult a Trump voter’s intelligence by not believing if your leader calls non-whites vermin, gangsters, murderers, black women cunt, and separated hundreds of thousands of migrant families, wants to shoot Black Lives Matter protesters, upcoming mass deportation on a scale never seen before in modern American history, I will rightly believe that you are a racist.
2) Trump voters, who were fortunate to survive the negligence of Trump’s handling of COVID, conveniently want to forget the million Americans who died with his callous imprint all over it. Trump voters will have new stories to tell each other with glee at the dinner table about the upcoming disasters, pain, and suffering that will most certainly come at the hands of Trump.
3) Trump voters, please own the upcoming attacks on federal regulation of our food, water, and climate initiatives and how many more of us as Americans will get sick and die from it. I know most of you hope to survive it and hope it happens to someone else.
4) I am to rightly assume that Trump voters smiled and got a laugh when Trump talked about women and grabbing them by the pu..y, that you will rationalize voting for a convicted felon and identified by the court as a rapist. You own this and the inevitable rise in domestic violence, toxic masculinity parading down the streets, and on campuses around the country. Various anti-women legislation to come and will include a national abortion ban. I am rightly going to assume you enjoy this because Trump has been clear about who he is, how he sees women, and his total embrace of misogyny. You see yourself in him!
5) I am going to rightly assume Trump voters shrug their shoulders with the acceptance that Trump doesn’t speak in complete sentences, unmoved by having a president who speaks with unfathomable ignorance on policy, speaks incoherently almost every time he speaks, and once again going to be a laughing stock to leaders around the world. Trump speaks unhinged rhetoric, demonstrates cognitive deficiencies, and it’s clear how much you’ve devalued intelligence in your leader. To ordinary people, Trump is unbearable to watch as an embarrassment to us. But Trump voters, whether you like it or not, he’s a reflection of your embrace of awfulness, so please continue to own it.
6) To anyone who claims to care about law and order and our military, I am going to rightly assume that you minimized watching the insurrection to overthrow democracy by Trump. These actions are the antithesis of respecting law and order but had, yet in your mind, had to figure out a way to make sense out of it or rationalize it so you can vote for Trump. To military people who honored our country with your service, if you ignored our highest military officials who served under Trump and warned us and the world that Trump 2.0 has authoritarian and fascist goals, you still find a reason to vote for Trump; please own what is about to happen.
7) It’s the economy: I am going to rightly assume that you are hiding behind willful ignorance or straight-up lies because even though things are not, nor will ever be perfect under any president, Biden and Kamala have stewarded in record numbers of job creation, historic infrastructure development, reducing inflation the past year after a rough stretch in a post-COVID economy. Millions of Americans had their student loan debt forgiven, Biden and Kamala walked on picket lines with union workers, 401k, 403b, and pension plans gaining over 20–40 percent in the past four years. Check your accounts! So yeah, hide your true beliefs of bigotry, fear and/or a discomforting life situation that is a direct result of your decision-making, and believe that a failed businessman who is a known con man who committed tax fraud and crimes, talking about destructive tariffs is why you voted for Trump.
Character and human decency were on the ballot, and a majority of Americans voted for indecency, narcissistic psychopaths, misogynists, racists, fascists, and upcoming corruption. A majority of Americans knew democracy and the rule of law were on the ballot and chose upcoming chaos, cruelty, violence, and suffering. To all of you who voted for Trump and his enabling, authoritarian Republican Party, just own the pending disaster that’s about to come. If you own it, then there’s a greater chance for you to change. That is our only hope for you. For the rest of us, please take comfort in your humanity, sanity, and care for others. We did the right thing. As we monitor what’s to come, we must continue to fight for our country and make it a better place. I’ve given my adult professional life to making the world a better place. I’m not going to stop now. And neither should you. Our children, nieces, and nephews depend on us to fight for them and leave them a better future and world. Our ancestors have lived through much worse than this. We have no excuses.