Robert Covington
4 min readNov 6, 2020

A Majority Of White Americans Wanted Four More Years of Donald Trump’s Evil, Sociopathy and White Supremacy by Robert Covington Jr.

Many, many years ago I was taking the train and I was totally immersed in a book that had a black cover and black content. I was sitting alone and as the train approached more stops, more people got on and seats were filling up quickly. When I realized the person that was getting ready to sit next to me was white, I quickly pushed the cover of the book flat on the surface of my leg so the white person could not see what I was reading.

Although this white man would only be in my proximal space for only fifteen minutes, I was worried about what he would think of me. I did not want this stranger to feel uncomfortable on his ride home. I centered him. I gave him power and status within my own mind. I supplanted my own joy and learning to protect my perception of his feelings. I share this story because it is a clear example as to how the lies of white supremacy impacted my behavior, thinking and actions as a black man.

As a nation, we’ve watched how the sickness and lies of white supremacy continues to impact millions of white Americans. At its core, white supremacy is anti-human and works to destroy the emotional, spiritual, physical and psychological health of a human being — regardless of the sociological construct of race, ethnicity or country of origin. It focuses on the devaluation of another person’s existence and humanity. It is fundamentally evil in its intent and outcome and America and its history is a prime example of that.

It appears that Biden will become the next President of the United States and Donald Trump’s reign of terror as a presidential candidate and as president will officially be over in two months. But as a country that will try to determine the next steps in salvaging our democracy, we have to acknowledge the ugliness from within and with his needed departure — hope that the majority of white Americans that voted for Trump will somehow begin the self-examination as to how and why the lies and sickness of white supremacy allowed them to support such an evil and vindictive, sad little man mired in self-hatred and personal pain.

I hope that the majority of white Americans will be honest with themselves and say that they either enjoyed or didn’t care that Trump deceitfully engaged in criminal negligence that contributed greatly to over eight million Americans getting sick and over 230,000 dying because of the coronavirus.

I hope that the majority of white Americans will be honest with themselves and say their vote for Trump had nothing to do with Trump seriously addressing economic anxiety. Trump and the Republican Party pushed America to the brink of a depression. Under Trump, forty million Americans lost their jobs this year and thousands of businesses had to close. Hunger is up in urban, suburban and rural counties across the country.

I hope that the majority of white Americans that voted for Trump will look inward and ask themselves as to why they enjoyed or didn’t care that Trump was committing crimes against humanity with migrants, was an admitted sexual abuser with multiple sexual assault allegations attached to his name and constantly engaged in misogyny throughout his presidency.

Ask yourself, what did you get out of Trump’s debasement of American institutions, the corruption, the traitorous behavior, lawlessness and enjoyment of seeing Trump impart suffering on so many fellow Americans? Does it really feel good supporting this kind of human being? With pride, you wanted four more years of this destruction and inhumanity?

Unfortunately, I have my doubts as to how many white Americans that voted for Trump is willing to do the work of personal agency and introspection. But I cannot lose faith and hope. For real change and growth to occur, one must first admit when mistakes are made and own your participation in something that has gone awry. And a majority of white Americans was willing to make a huge mistake. Again. The majority of white Americans were the primary reason as to why America was on the cusp of becoming a complete failed state of democracy and under authoritarian rule. Thankfully, when the numbers are all in from this election, it will show that black, brown and asian Americans had a monumental voice in countering the disastrous outcome that was desired by the white majority.

I centered whiteness on that train ride home and I turned regret into growth. If the majority of white Americans refuse to grow from this darkness that Trump revealed about themselves, then our democracy will never reach its full potential.

Follow me on twitter: @robcovingtonjr

Robert Covington
Robert Covington

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